Made Competence Center I4.0

Made Competence Center I4.0

MADE is a Competence Center dedicated to helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their journey towards Industry 4.0. Supported by the Ministry of Economic Development, MADE is one of the eight highly specialized Italian Competence Centers as foreseen in the Industry 4.0 National Plan.

What is MADE

MADE is a digital and sustainable factory that supports enterprises in their digital transformation path towards Industry 4.0. It consists of a one-of-a-kind large demo center of 2,500 sqm located in Milan. MADE provides knowledge, methodologies, and digital tools ranging from design to engineering, from production management to customer delivery, and the end of the product lifecycle. The Competence Center hosts 25 technological assets and 20 use cases, each of which embodies a peculiar Industry 4.0 technology. Collaborative robotics, big data, smart maintenance 4.0, industrial cyber-security, lean 4.0, additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, IoT, and the 5G network, are the instruments which, together with the knowledge of the 48 founding members, are made available by MADE to all those companies wishing to start their transition towards technology.


Business advisory: introduction seminars on Industry 4.0, company visits and workshops, Competence Center Tours, Uses cases specific demos.

Training for companies: training activities in the teaching factory.

Innovation, industrial research, and experimental development projects: Industry 4.0 strategy, innovation projects, demo and tests, technology scouting, validation of industry 4.0 projects, technology consultancy.


Among the MADE partners can be counted a public body, that is the Ministry of Economic Development, research centers, and many companies: Adecco Formazione, Aizoon, Alleantia, Altair, Alumotion, Beckhoff, BIP, Bosch, Brembo, Cefriel, Celada, Cisco, Comau, CSMT Polo Tecnologico, Consoft Sistemi, Enginsoft, ECOLE, Fincons Group, FPT Industrial, GI Group, Hitachi Rail, Hyperlean, IBM, INAIL, Italtel, Kilometro Rosso, Kuka, MBDA, Politecnico di Milano, Prima Industrie, PTC, Quin, Reply, Rockwell Automation, SAP, SEW Eurodrive, Siemens, Smart NDT, ST Microelectronics, Techedge, Tesar, T4V, le Università degli Studi di Bergamo, di Brescia e di Pavia, Warrant Hub, Whirpool.

Kilometro Rosso role in Made

Inside of the MADE Competence Center, Kilometro Rosso provides professional advice on technology scouting, market assessment, and funding strategy. It also offers training activities on Aluminum and Titanium additive manufacturing technologies.

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