INFINITY – cIrcular competeNces to Foster manufacturIng inNovation In-Training companY

INFINITY – cIrcular competeNces to Foster manufacturIng inNovation In-Training companY


Infinity is a two year project funded by EIT Manufacturing, which aims at designing a modular learning journey that seeks to develop compentecies in the field of green manufacturing following circular economy principles. The journey will be divided into different learning paths to meet learners´ level of skills and will be based on flexible learning pills in order to allow quick training and competencies attainment. The training is performed online, through a personalised e-learning platform and will include topics such as: how to use key enabling technologies to increase durability and sustainability of products and production processes; smart machinery and cyber-physical production systems; strategies to decrease the environmental footprint of the products and processes etc.



Boost circular economy competencies in the manufacturing sector

Develop high quality learning topics for employees and VET students

Deliver a flexible and customized learning journey


  • 01/01/2023
    Project kick off

  • 31/05/2023
    Competencies assessment report

  • 31/10/2023
    Learning Nuggets ready for delivery in Skills Move

  • 31/12/2023
    100 learners trained

  • 31/12/2024
    450 learners trained


Kilometro Rosso role in INFINITY

Kilometro Rosso is partner of the project, coordinated by Brembo, coordinates communication activities and supports the Consortium in the development of the skills framework and in the production of training contents.

Kilometro Rosso will use the educational products created in INFINITY in its training activities.

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