ITS Academy Angelo Rizzoli

ITS Academy Angelo Rizzoli (ITS AR) was born from the experience of the former Graphic Design Training Pole, a network of VET schools, companies, representative associations, research organizations, universities and employment agencies in the graphic design sector or related to it, which has promoted post-diploma specialization courses of recognized success in recent years. In 2014, the Foundation was enriched with the entry of new members and the launch of new courses in the ICT sector.

Thanks to the renewed and expanded network, we have strengthened our educational offer and curriculum even more, making them more modern and up-to-date by increasing, in particular, specialized courses in the all-round IT area. In recent years we have achieved important results and have positioned ourselves among the leading Italian organizations in the field of communication, ICT and Industry 4.0.An achievement that would not have been possible without the help of our students, teachers, companies and partners who each year continue to cultivate their passions, dreams and develop their talent by choosing ITS AR courses

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