ICA – Società di Ingegneria Chimica per l’Ambiente operates in the environmental and energy field, developing studies, projects, and consulting activity to support the Private and Public sectors.

Over the last decades, many techniques for process development, process and plant design, and process operations, including the production of energy, have been oriented towards integrated pollution prevention and control, ensuring prudent management of resources and fighting against climate change.

In this context, regulated by national and European legislation, ICA operates in the field of industrial engineering and consists of professionals with twenty years of experience in the chemical-environmental and energy sectors.

In order to achieve a high level of environmental protection and rational management of resources while fulfilling the increased regulatory compliance, ICA provides its support in identifying innovative technical-plant solutions and in the analysis of the best available techniques.

In line with Kyoto Protocol, ICA assists plant managers in implementing monitoring plans, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and achieving goals for the rational management of energy and energy efficiency.

It also develops innovative methodologies for the calculation of the organization and product environmental footprint according to the Life Cycle Perspective approach.

The activity includes in detail: environmental impact assessments, studies of innovative techniques for the abatement of pollutants in the atmosphere (DeNOx systems, VOC abatement systems, energy recovery systems), life cycle studies (LCA, EPD), and calculation of the environmental footprint of organization and product (OEF / PEF), monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions (Emissions Trading, UNI ISO 14064, Carbon Foot Print), evaluation of the best techniques available (IPPC) for emissions in the air, water, and waste treatment, simulation through mathematical models of the dispersion of pollutants into the atmosphere, environmental management systems (UNI EN ISO 14001 and EMAS regulation), energy management systems ( ISO 50001), feasibility studies in the energy field, energy diagnosis and assistance for compliance with environmental regulations.

ICA has consolidated since many years collaboration with Politecnico di Milano – Energy Department and with the University of Brescia.

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