EDINNOVA is the Network for innovation in the construction industry promoted by Confindustria Bergamo and Ance Bergamo and supported by RetImpresa (Confindustria agency for aggregations and business networks), with the aim of promoting basic and applied research and technology transfer.

The companies involved are committed to developing pre-competitive research activities and industrial research with high technological content, in order to increase their innovative capacity.

The focus of the researches promoted by the Network is centered on issues related to sustainability, such as integrated design, design and construction aimed at sustainability in the entire life cycle of construction, lean management.

The companies involved are:

  • ABB Spa
  • CLIMAcenter – Sovecar Srl
  • Edillio Srl
  • Heidelberg materials Spa
  • Imprese Pesenti Srl
  • Marlegno Srl
  • Orobica Inerti Srl
  • Pesenti Serramenti Srl
  • Recodi Tecnology Srl
  • Sangalli Spa
  • Sikuro group Srl
  • Genesi Srl

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