Funding strategy

Kilometro Rosso works together with companies and research centers to help them access public and private funding, such as European and National programmes dedicated to fostering research, innovation and learning on specific subjects or enabling technologies.

Areas of interest and enabling technologies

Digital and industry

Circular economy

Artificial Intelligence



Additive Manufacturing


    DIGI ME – DIGital skills for transformative Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

    DIGI ME – DIGital skills for transformative Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

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  • VRSafe

    Virtual Reality environments for operators training towards safe and human centric workplaces

    VRSafe aims to create safer workplaces by simulating, in a virtual industrial environment created for operator training, safety-related processes

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    cIrcular competeNces to Foster manufacturIng inNovation In-Training companY

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    Understanding the Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

    REGULAITE aims at developing a competencies strategy in Continuous Vocational Training on ethics and regulation of Artificial Intelligence.

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  • AM-TE@CH

    Additive Manufacturing Academy to Boost Trainers’ Competences in Industry

    AM-TE@CH aims at boosting competences in the field of Additive Manufacturing for the industrial sector thanks to an e-learning platform, with free and open access training contents to be used for training SMEs.

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    Additive Manufacturing Quality and Monitoring Control System

    AM QTOOLS aims to implement a predictive online quality control for metal Additive Manufacturing processes able to ensure consistency, reproducibility, and lead time reduction.

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  • 3d Coffee

    3D Printed Heat-Exchangers for Household Coffee-Machines

    3D Coffee wants to create an innovative passive heat exchanger for more sustainable, and high-quality coffee preparation.

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  • Ircram 4.0

    International Research Center for Robot and Additive Manufacturing 4.0

    IRCRAM 4.0 aims to develop Additive Manufacturing and robotics productive techniques for the manufacturing of large-scale components made of advanced materials.

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  • Snipe

    Sensor Network for Intelligent Predictive Enterprise

    SNIPE will create an AI enabled IoT system for machinery revamping in foundries to monitor performance and enable predictive maintenance with an effective control framework for cybersecurity compliance.  

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Public instruments

Private instruments

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